La tecnología de Crystal Lagoons® está protegida en todo el mundo mediante varios derechos de propiedad intelectual, que incluyen más de 2.600 patentes y más de 600 marcas registradas en más de 190 países y territorios, así como información confidencial, secretos comerciales y cientos de obras con derechos de autor. La empresa actualmente cuenta con más de 1.000 proyectos en distintas etapas de negociación, planificación y construcción en el mundo, que incluyen dos proyectos operativos en Perú. Esto posiciona a Crystal Lagoons como la empresa pionera, líder y con exclusividad para construir y operar lagunas artificiales de tamaños ilimitados con agua cristalina y para fines recreacionales a bajo costo.

El motivo de este comunicado es poner al tanto a nuestros clientes de las acciones que Crystal Lagoons está tomando en defensa de sus derechos de propiedad intelectual en Perú.

Crystal Lagoons es propietario en Perú de derechos de patente que protegen aspectos fundamentales de su tecnología que permite la construcción y operación de lagunas artificiales.

Crystal Lagoons detectó que la empresa Promotora Daveco S.A.C. (Daveco), que opera en la región de Tacna, inició en dicha región la construcción del desarrollo inmobiliario Laguna Azul, el cual incorpora una laguna artificial de aproximadamente 13.000m2.

En febrero de 2021, Crystal Lagoons presentó ante el Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Indecopi) una denuncia de infracción de patentes en contra de Daveco.

Después de realizar una evaluación de la denuncia presentada, en octubre de 2021, el Indecopi dictó una resolución que declaró fundada la denuncia de infracción de patente interpuesta por Crystal Lagoons, e impuso a Daveco la prohibición de hacer uso de la tecnología patentada. Además, el Indecopi  impuso a Daveco una multa por los actos de infracción cometidos. A pesar de que Daveco interpuso recurso de apelación contra esta decisión, en mayo de 2022 el Tribunal del Indecopi confirmó la resolución de primera instancia que resuelve la existencia de infracción.

Sin perjuicio que Crystal Lagoons está evaluando y coordinando los próximos pasos y acciones relacionados a la laguna del proyecto Laguna Azul,  queremos hacer de su conocimiento que Crystal Lagoons mantiene un permanente monitoreo de sus derechos de propiedad intelectual y es activo en la defensa de los mismos, tanto en Perú como en el resto del mundo.

Para cualquier duda relacionada a este proceso, puede contactar con nosotros a


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The revolutionary sustainable cooling technology for data centersEco-Heated Lagoons— of Crystal Lagoons continues to gain traction in the United States. In addition to the global interest it has generated, the multinational water innovation company is now attracting significant attention from leading developers in the Northeastern U.S., in states such as Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.

In fact, the company is in advanced discussions, specifically with industry players in Michigan, who are evaluating the Crystal Lagoons Eco-Heated Lagoons technology as a game-changer for colder climates through a high-impact, sustainable solution.

Michigan would serve as the platform for expansion across the Northeast region, enabling a tropical beach lifestyle in various states year-round and transforming how communities engage with outdoor recreation and entertainment. 

The patented innovation of Crystal Lagoons enables the sustainable cooling of data centers and crypto mining facilities while also heating the monumental crystalline lagoons by reusing waste heat that is currently lost. In addition to featuring traditional beach areas, these lagoons include warm water zones that maintain temperatures at 37 degrees Celsius/98 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring year-round use, even on the coldest days.

Crystal Lagoons already has several projects of this kind at different stages of development. The first complex in which the multinational will implement this system is the Public Access Lagoons® Angel Lagoon project in Texas. Developed by Crystal Lagoons in partnership with Land Tejas, the complex is located 40 minutes from Houston. The site will feature a 6 MW data center, cooled by the 1.7-hectare crystalline lagoon, which has already been inaugurated. Deep Green Energy, a subsidiary of the UK-based Octopus Energy, one of the world’s leading energy companies, will build and operate the data center.

What makes Crystal Lagoons® technology revolutionary is its closed-loop cooling system, which reduces energy consumption by 40% to 50% compared to traditional air cooling systems using chillers. This innovation addresses one of the significant challenges faced by the data center and crypto mining industries worldwide through a sustainable solution that not only lowers carbon footprint but also heats crystalline lagoons, among additional environmental benefits. 

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Cotino™ Bay is Coming to Life

Cotino™, a Storyliving by Disney™ community, is making waves with a first glimpse of Cotino Bay, a breathtaking 24-acre crystalline lagoon powered by Crystal Lagoons® technology.

The 618-acre community has plans for 1,932 residential units, all thus far leaning mid-century modern in design, and it’s located in Rancho Mirage, within the Coachella Valley, where the stunning lagoon will be the heart of the development. It will bring vibrant beach life and water sports to the community 

A Beach Oasis in Coachella Valley

At the core of Cotino™, a Storyliving by Disney™ community, Cotino Bay is designed to be more than just a scenic centerpiece. The man-made lagoon, which marks a historic moment as California’s first-ever Crystal Lagoons® amenity, will offer residents and visitors an unparalleled beachfront experience with pristine, turquoise waters and vibrant aquatic activities in the middle of Rancho Mirage.

Crystal Lagoons® Eco-friendly Technology

Crystal Lagoons® technology has revolutionized waterfront living worldwide by creating sustainable, turquoise water bodies that require 100 times fewer chemicals and only 2% of the energy of conventional swimming pool systems

Thanks to this innovative technology, Cotino Bay will feature:

  • Sustainability: Using minimal water and energy compared to traditional amenities, the lagoon ensures an eco-friendly oasis.
  • White Sandy Beaches: Providing an idyllic coastal escape within the community.
  • Water Activities: Kayaking, paddleboarding, and swimming
  • A Social Hub: Designed to host events, gatherings, and entertainment, making it a vibrant focal point of the Cotino community.

Cotino Bay is being filled with recycled water, with minimal chemical additives and a sophisticated filtration system that uses less water than the average golf course to maintain that crystalline water’s tropical vibe.

‘’Cotino™, a Storyliving by Disney™ community, is a milestone project integrating Crystal Lagoons® technology with Disney’s storytelling and master planning expertise. The project represents an unparalleled lifestyle experience and is expected to become a landmark development, further reinforcing the transformative impact of Crystal Lagoons’’, said Ivan Manzur, Senior Vice President of Sales of Crystal Lagoons.

A New Era of Storyliving

Seamlessly blending Disney’s legendary storytelling with Crystal Lagoons’ world-class technology, this visionary project transforms how people experience community living. As Cotino™, a Storyliving by Disney™ community, continues to take shape, Cotino Bay will be the defining feature that sets this one-of-a-kind destination apart.

Inspiration awaits around every corner! 

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Crystal Lagoons continues to deepen its success in the United States, its most important market worldwide, with over 275 projects in different stages of development or negotiation. This time, with a new Master Agreement—an exclusivity agreement for developing Public Access Lagoons®, also known as PAL®, real estate, and hybrid projects in a specific territory, which in this case is the Orlando Metropolitan Area, Florida.

Crystalline lagoon: a differentiating feature

These developments, whose centerpiece will be a lagoon powered by Crystal Lagoons® technology, will bring idyllic beach life to the most visited destination in the U.S., with 75 million tourists a year, which offers a wide range of entertainment but lacks a coastline. In this city, the multinational innovation company already has the successful Evermore Orlando Resort project, one of Florida’s largest tourism developments, anchored by an 8-acre crystalline lagoon.

The agreement is in partnership with Grupo ECIPSA, a real estate holding company with a presence in six countries. The multinational innovation company, founded by Fernando Fischmann, has signed multiple Master Agreements and projects with Grupo ECIPSA for developments in Israel, Brazil, Paraguay, and Orlando.

“Crystal Lagoons projects in the United States have been a success across the real estate, PAL®, and hybrid development sectors, and we are confident that these complexes with Grupo ECIPSA will be as well. Orlando is one of the most interesting and attractive markets for Crystal Lagoons, given its millions of annual visitors, lack of beaches, and its focus on the world of entertainment, which aligns perfectly with our PAL® concept,” explains Iván Manzur, Vice President of Sales at Crystal Lagoons US Corp.

PAL® projects

PAL® projects, accessible to all through ticketed entry, have the unique appeal of bringing idyllic beach life steps away from homes in the middle of the city while also offering event spaces with unparalleled scenic beauty, thanks to its large turquoise crystalline lagoon surrounded by white sandy beaches, which are illuminated at night, creating a magical ambiance. The infrastructure includes terraces, amphitheaters, domes, esplanades, commercial areas, and entertainment spaces.

This Master Agreement adds to the multinational innovation company’s other agreements in the U.S. in states such as:

  • North and South Carolina
  • Georgia
  • Texas